Tamil Nadu is one of the states of India. It lies on the eastern coast of the southern Indian Peninsula bordered by Puducherry, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. It is bound by the Eastern Ghats in the north, the Nilgiri, the Anamalai Hills, and Palakkad on the west, Bay of Bengal in the east, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Strait in the south east and Indian Ocean in the south. It is the eleventh largest state in India by area and the seventh most populous state.

It is the fifth largest contributor to India'sand the most urbanised state in India. The state has the highest number (10.56%) of business enterprises in India,remarkable compared to the population share of about 6%. It is one of the foremost states in the country in terms of overall development. It is home to many natural resources, rare flora and fauna, grand Hindu temples of Dravidian architecture, beach resorts, multi-religious pilgrimage sites and three UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Geography and climate
  • Tamil Nadu covers an area of 130,058 square kilometres (50,216 sq mi)
  • Tamil Nadu is the eleventh largest state in India.
  • Tamil Nadu has 31 districts.
  • Tamil nadu Population in 2001 - Total: 62, 405, 679 (Male : 31,400,909) (Female : 31,004,770)


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